As there is no Spring without Viriditas there is no Spring at The Cloister without a Hildegard retreat!
In this mini zoom retreat we will explore Hildegard's association with three archetypes (mother, visionary, healer) and how this speaks to our own soul's journey.
There is in all of us, sons and daughters, a deep longing for our motherly home. The medieval German Abbess HILDEGARD OF BINGEN has seen this deep longing embedded at the heart of human creation. Though she was never a birth mother herself she has become a mother to many. A fore-mother, a mother in spirit, an example of motherhood, a strong symbol for the mother archetype. For her, motherhood has always also been a powerful metaphor for the life force of all creation. Birthing wisdom is at the center of her cosmology, philosophy as well as her spiritual teaching.
Retreat with us
We will meet online in a small group setting to learn more about the mother archetype as well as the archetypes of the visionary and healer and how it shows up in Hildegard's philosophy and spiritual teaching and how she embodies them all.
If you long for a sacred time of learning, retreating, journaling and contemplating this is for you.
I am looking forward to welcome you on this journey, Almut
Save your place
This retreat will be donation based. As it is a small group retreat we suggest a donation of 50$. As always you are free to chose which amount is possible for you. All who give more support stipends to those who give less. If you would like to send a check instead email me. Thank you so much.
Click on Enroll above to book your place by offering your gift. You will receive a confirmation email asap (if you do not hear from us please make sure to check your spam filter). More information and your link to access the program will follow in separate email.
Your teacher
Dr. phil. Almut Furchert, Dipl. Psych. is a German American philosopher of religion, existential counselor, teacher, retreat leader, and member of the Hildegard Academy in Germany. She is an expert on existential philosophies and European wisdom traditions. For the last years she has worked and published on Hildegard of Bingen, and enjoyed teaching her to a wide audience. Almut is also the co-founder and director of CloisterSeminars and shares her interest in monastic and contemplative practices with her husband Chuck. Together they enjoy long walks with their little daughter.
More about Almut