
Welcome to our “little cloister”


Looking forward to our Kierkegaard masterclass


🌿Dear fellow traveler,

I am looking forward to our Kierkegaard Masterclass starting this Saturday. I have designed this class especially with learners from helping, healing, teaching, pastoral and spiritual professions in mind, wounded healers, educators and existential seekers :-) Because neither my studies in psychology nor philosophy nor theology taught me what a little book of Kierkegaard taught me about the human self, the anatomy of despair and the journey towards the deeper self.

Admittedly, it is an odd title, isn’t it? But then, being tired out by this never ending pandemic a “sickness unto death” isn’t so far fetched either. Haven’t we all lived for so long under this fear unto death?

For Kierkegaard despair is a genuine spiritual problem, a problem in the self, which he considers spirit.🌬 His spiritual depth psychology offers the missing link of understanding not only the suffering of this age and time but our own struggles and the ones of our clients, patients, directees, or loved ones.

🍃If you have been longing for some deeper reflection of the human self and how it comes to and overcomes despair in a holistic philosophy which integrates body, soul and spirit this class might be for you.

It will be taught live in an intimate group setting merging the best of European Seminar style and spiritual retreat elements to give you a profound learning experience which will enrich your own journey and the journey of the ones you care for.

I have taught this topic last at the Spiritual Department at the Jesuit University Munich to a diverse audience of Adult learners. It was an intellectually intriguing, spiritually moving and humbling experience.🍃

We will meet on 5 Saturday mornings (CST) starting Feb 27. Please enroll below today to save your spot.

I am looking forward to welcoming you on this journey, Almut

Kierkegaard Master Class 2021
from $190.00

How to (not) despair. Reading Kierkegaard during a Dark Winter Master Class 

  • zoom meetings on the following Saturdays: 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27/2021 at 10am-12:30pm CST.

  • taught by Almut Furchert, PhD (former fellow at the renowned Kierkegaard Research Library, Saint Olaf College, Northfield, MN, teacher and therapist)

"Glance at the Sun... Now, think!"

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